International Air Ambulance Week 2024

An Amateur Radio 9 Day Event
Taking Place on the Week Commencing 1st September


Registration 2024 Stations

Past Events

Station Numbers






You, your club, along with your Local Air Ambulance are invited to take part in the
 11th International Air-Ambulance Week 2024 a 9 day Special Event.
September 1st - September 9th
Now On Facebook

The intention of this event will be mainly to help support the donation funded flying medical services around the world, by operating your special event station during at least some of the 9 days during which this  event takes place. The nine days to include two weekends, so everyone can get an opportunity to take part. The date has been set to coincide with the UK's own fund raising week, simply because the UK has by far the most complete coverage of donation funded medical helicopter services in the world. An additional and equally important aim will be to help the UK's Association of Air Ambulances, spread the concept of a public donation supported air ambulance service to the rest of the world.     

The primary rule is that no radio amateur should accept any donation - donations and offers of funding should only be made directly to which ever service you nominate when you complete the registration form to take part in the event. Registration will be mandatory and all stations taking part will be issued a registration number which will be listed on this website. The registered number needs to be quoted by each station regularly. Included in the list along side each registered station will be a clickable link enabling those wishing to donate, to donate directly to the charity of the service they wish to support.
By putting on a station you will hopefully help raise awareness of the work these dedicated people do. They need all the support they can get. Towards this end, we would hope and expect that more than one station will support the same Air Ambulance, the more support each one gets, the better. So if you see your local service already listed as being supported by an amateur station, there is no reason why you cannot register your own station in support too. Please get the word out there so they can continue to be there if we need them. There is a list of the UK Air Ambulance services here

  There have been several similar small local events, this will be an attempt to bring things all together as one big well organised event.  

The event is primarily intended to help support public donation funded flying medical services, whether part or entirely donation funded, though not restricted entirely to those. The location of the special event station can be any where you choose to set it up – club, home or if you can manage the permissions to do it, a public place. It might be worth enquiring if you can run it from the actual landing field of the service, but I suspect permission would be refused due to the risk of interference with ATC radio. It is your choice whether you apply for a special event callsign, or simply operate under your own – but as said registration and nominating a particular charity is mandatory. The registration facility will remain open from as soon as the website is formally set up, until the end of the event each year. No costs will be involved in registering or taking part and a free series of Awards will be available for those who support the event as detailed below..

1.     An award for having registered and taken part in the event.

2.     A Bronze award for having logged a minimum of 5 IAW station.

3.     A Silver award for having logged a minimum of 10 IAW station.

4      A Gold award for having logged a minimum of 15 IAW station.

5.     Awards for  SWL will follow the the above requirements


Claims for the awards will need to be made to the IAW’s Award Manager by email, including an excerpt from the log as proof of a valid claim. Claimed awards will then be forwarded ready for the claimant to print, in standard pdf format. More than one award may claimed.

The event’s  date has been set to coincide with the UK’s own funding drive week for its own helicopter ambulance services. Almost all of these, around 30 in number, are entirely public donation funded.

The event is intended to  commence in September annually and is to be run by the same team which operates the well established International Museum Weekends.      

If you want more information:

Admin & IT Harry M1BYT               EMail

IT & Admin Dave M1TWO               EMail  

 IAW Manager John M0HEM            EMail

Awards Manager Dave M1TWO      EMail

Publicity Officer Sue G6DDS             EMail

Or telephone Harry (M1BYT) on +44 (0)113 2866 897 or Mob 075 111 289 33

Note: If you must phone, the landline number on an evening is now the more reliable number to catch me.

 Please return here regularly for the very latest IAW developments.

Last page update 17 June, 2024 11:43 +0100